The Empire Bio Co.; Centrální kino; Zentral; Central; Úderka; Ufa-Central: 03.04.1931

Start date
Sat 04. 04. 1931
End date
Thu 16. 04. 1931
Programme publishing date
Fri 03. 04. 1931
Number of screenings
Programme Description (DE)
Ab 4. April:
Vorstellungen: Halb 4, halb 6, halb 8 und 9.15 Uhr.
Field Source Date Note Confidence level [%]
Programme publishing date Volksfreund 1931-04-03 80 100
Start date Volksfreund 1931-04-03 80 100
End date Volksfreund 1931-04-16 90 100
Cinema Volksfreund 1931-04-03 80 100
Numbers Volksfreund 1931-04-04 81 100
Programme Description (DE) Volksfreund 1931-04-04 81 100
Number of screenings Volksfreund 1931-04-03 80 100