Title Konec cesty Original title End of the Road, the Country USA Austria Year 1919 1924 Producer Vita-Film AG (Wien) Famous Players-Lasky Corporation U.S. War Department American Social Hygiene Association Directed by Griffith, Edward H. Feher, Friedrich Cast Ferguson, Helen Adams, Claire Aslan, Raoul Sonja, Magda Web http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0010088/ Included in Programmes: Cinema Screening days Number Dopz / Scala / Moskva 12.07.1932 - 21.07.1932 Konec cesty Universum / Metro / Morava 11.07.1924 - 13.07.1924 Konec cesty Excelsior 03.11.1933 - 03.11.1933 Konec cesty Excelsior 31.10.1933 - 01.11.1933 Konec cesty